Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Canvas External Grade Import Tool.

What’s New?

How does this tool function?

This tool looks for known identification columns among common external assessment tools used across Illinois. For example:

Using the identification column found in the external assessment data, this tool finds the same student in the Canvas gradebook, adds their grade for the assessment, and allows you to download a new file ready to be imported into Canvas. The CSV you download for canvas will contain:

What does scaling do?

If you provide a number in both scaling boxes, this tool will scale your grade from the value on the external tool (ex: many tools give values out of 100) to the point value of the assessment on Canvas. If an assessment is worth 20 points to your course grade, but the external tool reports it out of 100, you would want to “Scale from #/100 to #/20 for Canvas”.

My external CSV does not work.

Let Wade know –! I will need the exact format of the CSV export, which is best provided by sending a copy of the export to me in order to identify the exact format that the external tool exports your data. You can remove all but a few rows to preserve privacy (but do not remove columns)!

To be secure in sending data that contain student identifiers, use UofI Box, PEAR, or another secure system.

The current formats supported are:

Is this tool secure?

The most useful statement is that we built this tool for ourselves and made it publicly available to help others. We (Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider and Karle Flanagan) are using this tool and we trust this tool. If you don’t trust us, you should not trust this tool.

You know that most web-based applications use a server that processes your data. Even though this runs in your web browser, this page is entirely in client-side JavaScript. It runs entirely on your device without sending any data to my server. We don’t want to know what grades your students have. :)

Since no data is sent to or stored on any server though using the tool, your data is as secure as your computer is secure. (If someone gets physical access to your computer, they can read the CSV files you download from your hard drive. We cannot be more secure than that.)

If you don’t trust us, you (or someone you trust who does Computer Science stuffs) can also inspect the source code or inspect network traffic as you’re viewing the tool. If this tool is useful to many, we will see if campus can give it “stamp of approval” or something.